Kembang api

Sabtu, 07 April 2012



Adalah salah satu dari berbagai sistem, institusi, prosedur, hubungan sosial dan infrastruktur dimana usaha menjual barang, jasa dan tenaga kerja untuk orang-orang dengan imbalan uang. Barang dan jasa yang dijual menggunakan alat pembayaran yang sah seperti uang fiat. Kegiatan ini merupakan bagian dari perekonomian. Ini adalah pengaturan yang memungkinkan pembeli dan penjual untuk item pertukaran. Persaingan sangat penting dalam pasar, dan memisahkan pasar dari perdagangan. Dua orang mungkin melakukan perdagangan, tetapi dibutuhkan setidaknya tiga orang untuk memiliki pasar, sehingga ada persaingan pada setidaknya satu dari dua belah pihak. Pasar bervariasi dalam ukuran, jangkauan, skala geografis, lokasi jenis dan berbagai komunitas manusia, serta jenis barang dan jasa yang diperdagangkan. Beberapa contoh termasuk pasar petani lokal yang diadakan di alun-alun kota atau tempat parkir, pusat perbelanjaan dan pusat perbelanjaan, mata uang internasional dan pasar komoditas, hukum menciptakan pasar seperti untuk izin polusi, dan pasar ilegal seperti pasar untuk obat-obatan terlarang.

Dalam ilmu ekonomi mainstream, konsep pasar adalah setiap struktur yang memungkinkan pembeli dan penjual untuk menukar jenis barang, jasa dan informasi. Pertukaran barang atau jasa untuk uang adalah transaksi. Pasar peserta terdiri dari semua pembeli dan penjual yang baik yang memengaruhi harga nya. Pengaruh ini merupakan studi utama ekonomi dan telah melahirkan beberapa teori dan model tentang kekuatan pasar dasar penawaran dan permintaan. Ada dua peran di pasar, pembeli dan penjual. Pasar memfasilitasi perdagangan dan memungkinkan distribusi dan alokasi sumber daya dalam masyarakat. Pasar mengizinkan semua item yang diperdagangkan untuk dievaluasi dan harga. Sebuah pasar muncul lebih atau kurang spontan atau sengaja dibangun oleh interaksi manusia untuk memungkinkan pertukaran hak (kepemilikan) jasa dan barang.
Secara historis, pasar berasal di pasar fisik yang sering akan berkembang menjadi - atau dari - komunitas kecil, kota dan kota.

1. Pasar tradisional

Pasar tradisional merupakan tempat bertemunya penjual dan pembeli serta ditandai dengan adanya transaksi penjual pembeli secara langsung dan biasanya ada proses tawar-menawar, bangunan biasanya terdiri dari kios-kios atau gerai, los dan dasaran terbuka yang dibuka oleh penjual maupun suatu pengelola pasar. Kebanyakan menjual kebutuhan sehari-hari seperti bahan-bahan makanan berupa ikan, buah, sayur-sayuran, telur, daging, kain, pakaian barang elektronik, jasa dan lain-lain. Selain itu, ada pula yang menjual kue-kue dan barang-barang lainnya 

2. Pasar modern

Pasar modern tidak banyak berbeda dari pasar tradisional, namun pasar jenis ini penjual dan pembeli tidak bertransakasi secara langsung melainkan pembeli melihat label harga yang tercantum dalam barang (barcode), berada dalam bangunan dan pelayanannya dilakukan secara mandiri (swalayan) atau dilayani oleh pramuniaga. Barang-barang yang dijual, selain bahan makanan makanan seperti; buah, sayuran, daging; sebagian besar barang lainnya yang dijual adalah barang yang dapat bertahan lama. Contoh dari pasar modern adalah hypermarket, pasar swalayan (supermarket), dan minimarket.

Pasar Menurut Jenisnya

A.Pasar Konsumsi

Pasar konsumsi adalah pasar yang menjual barang-barang untuk keperluan konsumsi. Misalnya menjual beras, sandal, lukisan dan lain-lain. Contohnya adalah Pasar Mergan di Malang, Pasar Kramat Jati di Jakarta dan lain-lain.

B.Pasar Faktor Produksi

Pasar faktor produksi adalah pasar yang menjual barang-barang untuk keperluan produksi. Misalnya menjual mesin-mesin untuk alat produksi barang, lahan untuk pabrik dan lain-lain.


1.Pasar Menurut Jenis Barang yang Dijual

Pasar menurut jenis barang yang dijual dapat dibagi menjadi pasar ikan, pasar buah dan lain-lain.

2.Pasar Menurut Lokasi

Pasar menurut lokasi misalnya Pasar Kebayoran yang berlokasi di Kebayoran Lama dan lain-lain.

3.Pasar Menurut Hari


Pasar menurut hari dinamakan sesuai hari pasar itu dibuka. Misalnya Pasar Rebo dibuka khusus hari Rabu, Pasar Minggu dibuka khusus hari Minggu, Pasar Senen dibuka khusus hari Senin, Pasar Wage Purwokerto dan lain-lain.

Pasar Menurut Luas Jangkauan

Pasar Daerah

Pasar Daerah membeli dan menjual produk dalam satu daerah produk itu dihasilkan. Bisa juga dikatakan pasar daerah melayani permintaan dan penawaran dalam satu daerah.

Pasar Lokal

Pasar lokal adalah pasar yang membeli dan menjual produk dalam satu kota tempat produk itu dihasilkan. Bisa juga dikatakan pasar lokal melayani permintaan dan penawaran dalam satu kota.

Pasar Nasional

Pasar nasional adalah pasar yang membeli dan menjual produk dalam satu negara tempat produk itu dihasilkan. Bisa juga dikatakan pasar nasional melayani permintaan dan penjualan dari dalam negeri.

Pasar Internasional

Pasar internasional adalah pasar yang membeli dan menjual produk dari beberapa negara. Bisa juga dikatakan luas jangkauannya di seluruh dunia.

Pasar Menurut Wujud

1.Pasar Konkret

Pasar Konkret adalah pasar yang lokasinya dapat dilihat dengan kasat mata. Misalnya ada los-los, toko-toko dan lain-lain. Di pasar konkret, produk yang dijual dan dibeli juga dapat dilihat dengan kasat mata. Konsumen dan produsen juga dapat dengan mudah dibedakan

2.Pasar Abstrak

Pasar Abstrak adalah pasar yang lokasinya tidak dapat dilihat dengan kasat mata.konsumen dan produsen tidak bertemu secara langsung.Biasanya dapat melalui internet, pemesanan telepon dan lain-lain. Barang yang diperjual belikan tidak dapat dilihat dengan kasat mata, tapi pada umumnya melalui brosur, rekomendasi dan lain-lain. Kita juga tidak dapat melihat konsumen dan produsen bersamaan, atau bisa dikatakan sulit membedakan produsen dan konsumen sekaligus.


Social Function (Narrative):

To amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or various experience in different ways; Narratives deal with problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn finds 2 resolution.
Analysis the Generic Structure
Orientation: It sets the scene and introduces the participants/characters. In that parrot story, the first paragraph is the orientation where reader finds time and place set up and also the participant as the background of the story. A man and his parrot took place once time.
Complication: It explores the conflict in the story. It will show the crisis, rising crisis and climax of the story. In the parrot story, paragraph 2, 3, 4 are describing the complication. Readers will find that the man face a problem of why the parrot can not say Catano. To fix this problem, the man attempted to teach the bird. How hard he tried to teach the bird is the excitement element of the complication.
Resolution: It shows the situation which the problems have been resolved. It must be our note that “resolved” means accomplished whether succeed or fail. In the last paragraph of the smartest parrot story, readers see the problem is finished. The parrot could talk the word which the man wanted. The parrot said the word with higher degree than the man taught the word to it. That was the smartest parrot.

Example of Narrative Text;

The Smartest Parrot
Once upon time, a man had a wonderful parrot. There was no other parrot like it. The parrot could say every word, except one word. The parrot would not say the name of the place where it was born. The name of the place was Catano.
The man felt excited having the smartest parrot but he could not understand why the parrot would not say Catano. The man tried to teach the bird to say Catano however the bird kept not saying the word.
At the first, the man was very nice to the bird but then he got very angry. “You stupid bird!” pointed the man to the parrot. “Why can’t you say the word? Say Catano! Or I will kill you” the man said angrily. Although he tried hard to teach, the parrot would not say it. Then the man got so angry and shouted to the bird over and over; “Say Catano or I’ll kill you”. The bird kept not to say the word of Catano.
One day, after he had been trying so many times to make the bird say Catano, the man really got very angry. He could not bear it. He picked the parrot and threw it into the chicken house. There were four old chickens for next dinner “You are as stupid as the chickens. Just stay with them” Said the man angrily. Then he continued to humble; “You know, I will cut the chicken for my meal. Next it will be your turn, I will eat you too, stupid parrot”. After that he left the chicken house.
The next day, the man came back to the chicken house. He opened the door and was very surprised. He could not believe what he saw at the chicken house. There were three death chickens on the floor. At the moment, the parrot was standing proudly and screaming at the last old chicken; “Say Catano or I’ll kill you”.

contoh soal narrative text

The Three Sheiks and Queen of Arabia
Maura, who liked to be thought of as the most beautiful and powerful queen of Arabia, had many suitors. One by one she discarded them, until her list was reduced to just three sheiks, all equally young and handsome, rich and strong. It was very hard to decide who would be the best of them.
One evening, Maura disguised herself and went to the camp of the three sheiks, as they were about to have dinner, and asked them for something to eat.
The first gave her some leftover food; the second gave her some unappetizing camel's tail; the third sheik, who was called Hakim, offered her some of the most tender and tasty meat. After dinner, the disguised queen left the sheiks' camp.
The following day the queen invited the three sheiks to dinner at her palace. She ordered her servants to give each one exactly what they had given her the evening before.
Hakim, who received a plate of delicious meat, refused to eat it if the other two could not share it with him, and this act finally convinced Queen Maura that he was the man for her.
"Without question, Hakim is the most generous of you," she announced her choice to the sheiks." So it is Hakim I will marry."

1. What does the story teach us ?
A. If we want to give something to other people, we shall give the best.
B. Do not be cowards.
C. Be the cowards.
D. As a beggar.
E. Don’t be lazy.

2. The three sheiks were not ........
A. rich
B. young
C. strong
D. gloomy
E. handsome

3. Which statement is TRUE about the queen ........
A. The queen was the most powerful queen in Africa.
B. The queen was very proud of her beauty and riches.
C. The queen herself served the sheiks with delicious food.
D. The queen was very careful in deciding whom she would mary.
E. The queen was very satisfied with the food given by the sheiks.

4. The Queen ordered her servants to give the sheiks the same kind of food she got from the evening before because ........
A. she wanted to entertain her guests
B. she wanted to test the sheiks's taste
C. she wanted to see the sheiks's reactions
D. she wanted to make a joke of the sheiks
E. she wanted to repay the sheik's kindness

5. The main idea of paragraph six is ........
A. Hakim was an unselfish person.
B. Hakim was served with succulent meat.
C. Hakim was satisfied with the food served.
D. Hakim wanted to share the food with the sheiks.
E. Hakim had made the queen find the resolution of her problem.
Tiga sheik dan Ratu Saudi
Maura, yang suka dianggap sebagai ratu yang paling indah dan kuat dari Saudi, telah banyak pelamar. Satu per satu dia membuangnya, sampai daftar nya dikurangi menjadi hanya tiga sheik, semua sama-sama muda dan tampan, kaya dan kuat. Itu sangat sulit untuk memutuskan siapa yang akan menjadi yang terbaik dari mereka.
Suatu malam, Maura menyamar dan pergi ke kamp dari tiga sheik, karena mereka hendak makan malam, dan meminta mereka sesuatu untuk dimakan.
Yang pertama memberinya sisa-sisa makanan, yang kedua memberinya beberapa ekor unta yang tidak menggugah selera, sheik ketiga, yang disebut Hakim, menawarinya beberapa daging yang paling empuk dan lezat. Setelah makan malam, ratu menyamar meninggalkan kamp para sheik '.
Hari berikutnya ratu mengundang tiga sheik makan malam di istananya. Dia memerintahkan pelayannya untuk memberikan setiap orang apa yang mereka berikan dia malam sebelumnya.
Hakim yang menerima sepiring daging lezat, menolak untuk memakannya jika dua lainnya tidak bisa berbagi dengan dia, dan tindakan ini akhirnya yakin Ratu Maura bahwa dia adalah orang untuknya.
"Tanpa pertanyaan, Hakim adalah yang paling murah hati," dia mengumumkan keputusannya untuk para sheik "Jadi Hakim saya akan menikah.".

1. Apa cerita mengajarkan kita?
A. Jika kita ingin memberikan sesuatu kepada orang lain, kita akan memberikan yang terbaik.
B. Jangan pengecut.
C. Jadilah pengecut.
D. Sebagai seorang pengemis.
E. Don 't malas.

2. Ketiga sheik tidak ........
A. kaya
B. muda
C. kuat
D. suram
E. tampan

3. Pernyataan mana yang BENAR tentang ratu ........
A. ratu adalah ratu paling kuat di Afrika.
Ratu B. sangat bangga kecantikan dan kekayaan.
C. Ratu sendiri melayani sheik dengan makanan lezat.
Ratu D. sangat berhati-hati dalam memutuskan siapa yang dia akan mary.
E. ratu sangat puas dengan makanan yang diberikan oleh para sheik.

4. Ratu memerintahkan pelayannya untuk memberikan para sheik jenis makanan yang sama dia dari malam sebelumnya karena ........
A. ia ingin menghibur tamu-tamunya
B. dia ingin menguji rasa sheik itu
C. ia ingin melihat reaksi para sheik itu
D. dia ingin membuat lelucon para sheik
E. dia ingin membalas kebaikan sheik itu.
5. Ide utama dari ayat enam adalah ........
A. Hakim adalah orang egois.
B. Hakim disajikan dengan daging segar.
C. Hakim puas dengan makanan yang disajikan.
D. Hakim ingin berbagi makanan dengan para sheik.
E. Hakim telah membuat sang ratu menemukan penyelesaian masalahnya.


Social functionto retell past events for the purpuse of informing and entertaining
.Generic Structure of Recount

1. Orientation: Introducing the participants, place and time
2. Events: Describing series of event that happened in the past
3. Reorientation: It is optional. Stating personal comment of the writer to the story

Signifucant lexicogrammatical features
Focus on specific participants
Use material processes
Use of past tense
Focus on temporel sequence

example :
I was driving along the coast road when the car suddenly lurched to one side. At first
I thought a tyre had gone, but then I saw telegraph poles callspsing like matchssticks.
The rooks came tumbling a cross the road and I had to abandon the car.
When I got back town, wen, as I said, there wasn’t much left.

1. What type of tense is used by the writer?
a. Narrative
b. Report
c. recount
d. New items
e. anecdote

2. The communication Purpuse of this text is…..
a. To retell events for the purpuse of imforming
b. To present  perspective point about an issue
c. To describe the way they are
d. To acknowlegne readers about informative events
e. To share an amusing incident.

3. The Organization of text above is….
a. Orientation, event, event, twist
b. Orientation, evaluation, Interpretative recount, evaluation, explanation, explanation.
c. General statement, explanation, explanation, explanation
d. Thesis, aqument, rexommentation
e. Orientation, event, event, event.

4. To tell his/her pas experience, the writer uses…..
a. Passive voice
b. disrect  speech
c. Reported speech
d. Simple past tense
e. Simple present tense

5. The faswer we finish, the…..we can leave
a. Soon
b. Sooner
c. The soonest
d. As soon
e. As soon as

Aku sedang mengemudi sepanjang jalan pantai ketika mobil tiba-tiba meluncur ke satu sisi. pada pertama
Saya pikir ban sudah pergi, tapi kemudian aku melihat tiang-tiang telegraf callspsing seperti matchssticks.
Para Rooks datang berjatuhan silang jalan dan aku harus meninggalkan mobil.
Ketika aku kembali kota, wen, seperti yang saya katakan, tidak ada banyak yang tersisa.
1. Apa jenis tegang digunakan oleh penulis?
a. cerita
item baru

2. Para Purpuse komunikasi teks ini adalah ... ..
a. Untuk menceritakan kembali peristiwa untuk purpuse dari imforming
Untuk menampilkan sudut perspektif tentang masalah
Untuk menggambarkan cara mereka
Untuk acknowlegne pembaca tentang peristiwa informatif
Untuk berbagi insiden lucu.

3. Organisasi teks di atas adalah ....
a. Orientasi, acara, acara, twist
Orientasi, evaluasi, interpretative ulang, evaluasi, penjelasan, penjelasan.
Pernyataan umum, penjelasan, penjelasan, penjelasan
Tesis, aqument, rexommentation
Orientasi, acara, acara, acara.
4. Untuk memberitahu / nya pengalaman pas, penulis menggunakan ... ..
a. bentuk pasif
disrect pidato
dilaporkan pidato
Sederhana waktu lampau
Sederhana hadir tegang

5. Para faswer kita selesai, itu ... .. kita dapat meninggalkan
a. segera
paling cepat
Segera setelah
a. Social function
To describe a particular person, places, or thing or animal.

b. Generic structure
1. Identification (identifies phenomenon to be described)
2. Description describes parts, qualities, characteristic

c. Grammatical Features
1. Focus on specific participants
2. Use of attribute (e.g. possessive pronoun: mine, ours)
3. Frequent use of classifies (e.g. adjective: beautiful, long hair) in nominal groups (some, many, any etc.)
4. Use of simple present tense

 example :
My Nice Student in My Class
I have a lot of student in my class.One of them is Rasyid.He is nice student for me.
Rasyid is16 years old.He has tall enough and looks healthy.Rasyid has short or little bit bald.He is 170 cm height.His skin is tanned.His eyes are round black eyes.He has hat nose.Because he is kind and clever, many female students wants to be his girlfriend.But he is too shy to have relationship with a girl.
Read the descriptive
The Scotch Terrier was as cute as a kitten as it sat in the kennel. I was so surprised that no one wanted to take it home. It had a green bow and floppy ears. I asked my mom if I could have that dog, but she said  no because I wouldn’t be able to take care of it. I asked the man that owned the kennel if I could hold the puppy. He said “Sure” When I opened the cage the cuddly puppy ran up to me, jumped on me and licked me! I let my mom hold the pup and she just couldn’t resist getting the dog because it was so soft and cuddly! I was so happy that got my own puppy to love! I also gave him a name and it was Christmas because I got him 2 days before Christmas. I have kept the green bow he green bow he had on, to remind me of the day I got him.

1. The passage above is …….text
    a. Narative
    b. Exposition
    c. Recount
    d. News Report
    e. Descriptive

2. What is Scotch terrier?
    a. a kind of dog
    b. a kind of a kitten
    c. a kind of a cat
    d. a kind of a rabbit
    e. a kind of a mice

3. Why does the writer mention that Scotch terrier is as a kitten?
     a. Because it looks like a cat
     b. Because it is small and has many similarities as a kitten
     c. Because it lives in a kennel and puts on a bow
     d. Because it has heavy fur and short ears
     e. None of the above options

4. Why didn’t the writer’s mom at first allow har lo take care of it?
    a. Because she thought that she wouldn’t like it
    b. Because she thought that she wouldn’t much time to spend to it
    c. Because she thought that it would dirt the house
    d. Because she thought that it was expensives to buy
    e. Because she thought that she would not be able to take care of it.

5. What did the writer call her Scotch?
     a. Puppy
     b. Cuddly
     c. Christimas
     d. Scotch
     e. Terries

Report Text

Definition of Report
Report is a text which presents information about something, as it is. It is as a result of systematic observation and analysis

Generic Structure of Report
1. General classification: Stating classification of general aspect of thing; animal, public place, plant, etc which will be discussed in general
2. Description: Describing the thing which will be discussed in detail; part per part , customs or deed for living creature and usage for materials

Language Feature of Report
• Introducing group or general aspect
• Using conditional logical connection; when, so, etc
• Using simple present tense

Example of Report Text

 Birds are interesting flying animals. They are vertebrates and warm blooded animals. They belong to aves class and they can be found all over the world.

Birds breath with their air pocket. Beside as respiration organ, air pocket also can enlarge or reduce their weight when flying or swimming

 There are many kinds of birds. Earth bird has special characteristic. They have different morphology acording to their food and their habitat. Some of them eat seeds, pollen, fish or meat. There are some species that live in land and the others live in water. Land birds live on their nest. 

 Female birds have specific tasks. they lay eggs and feed their baby, Beside that they look for foods for their baby. 

In early societies money was unknown and man relied on a simple system of exchange. Perhaps a good hunter had more animal skins than he could use. His neighbor, a good fisherman might have too many fish, but needed furs to protect his children from the cold. Both soon realized that to solve their problems they could exchange their surplus.

This method of exchanging is called 'barter'. The word comes from the French barater.
Barter was important when the needs were mostly for clothing, food, and shelter. but the system had its problems. For example, a weaver who wanted to change his cloth for a good catch of fish might not be able to find a fisherman who needed cloth. And a farmer with too much corn might not be able to find a hunter with too many deer. When labor and services became more specialized, barter no longer could function of 'payment'. A new system had to be found.

People bartered because .............

they like a simple system
they realized their problems
they had a surplus and they needed something
they had money to fulfill their needs
they did not want to pay cash

Paragraph 3 is about ....................

the fisherman who needed cloth
the society that became more specialized
the weaver who wanted to exchange his cloth
the problems of the bartering 'system'
an example of barter

'Both' soon realized that to solve their problems they could ...... ( par 1)
Both refers to ...................

the hunter and the fisherman
the hunter and his fish
the neighbor and the animal skin
the fish and the fur
the neighbor and the hunter

Barter was important until .......... (Par 3 )

the fisherman had enough cloth
the hunter had enough fish
the society become more specialized
the farmer had not enough corn
the weaver started to grow corn himself

An antonym of 'to protect' is ................

to satisfy
to abolish
to develop
to educate
to neglect

Procedure text
Procedure is the set of steps which should be completed in the right sequence to get the goal. In our daily life, we often have to perform some steps to make or get something done. For example, early in the morning, you help your mother prepare cups of tea for all members of your family. In making cups of tea, you have to follow certain procedure in order to get a nice drink. Most of our daily activities are related with procedures. That is why, you should understand what a procedure text is, how to make and use it.
 The generic structure of procedure has three principal components namely
  (1) the goal,
 (2) materials and
 (3) steps.

A. Generic Structure of procedure
1. Goal : Title of the text (especially for a recipe)
2. Materials : Optional, not for all procedural texts
3. Steps : a series steps oriented to achieving the Goal

B. Generic Features
1. The use of Simple Present Tense, often in an imperative form e.g. Add some sugar, prepare it,.
2. The use mainly of temporal conjunction (or numbering to indicate sequence especially in written text)
He Procedure of Making Meatballs
What you need for the ingredients
1 kilo of very fine minced meat (preferably beef)
2 eggs
300 grams of tapioca-flour
4-8 cloves of garlic
1 red onion
1 teaspoon of white pepper

The steps to make meatballs
These steps are instruction on how to make meatballs, just meatball, the soup is Made separately.
First of all,mix garlic, red onion, salt, and white pepper in a mortar or mixer.
Second step, mix the spice-mixture with the eggs, the tapioca-flour and the minced meat.
After that, use your fingers, add a cup of water, and keep on working until the mixture feels soft and smooth.
Then, boil some water in a rather large pot, at least about 2 liters.
Next step, start rolling the mixture into small meatballs.
Finally, lower the meatballs into the boiling water. When they float up to the surface the meatball are ready to serve.

. 4 Large tornatoes                             . spices
. 1 small onion                                   . ½ teaspoon of salt
. 8 cups of water                                . ¼ teaspoon of pepper
. small clove garlic                            . ¼ teaspoon of butter

Cut tomatoes, union, and garlic into small pieces
Fry them in a pan with butter for five minutes
Add water, spices, salt and pepper
Heat until the water boils
Turn down the heat and cover with lid. Cook gently for one hour and Soup are ready to serve

1. What is the best title for the text ?
a. the soup
b. the hot soup
c. the delicious soup
d. the tomato soup
e. the boiled soup

2. How many methods of step are listed in the text?
a. four                       
b. Five                 
c. None                     
d. Eight             

3. What is the goal of the text ?
a. How to make the tomato soup
b. How to make the hot soup
c. How to make the delicious soup
d. How to make the soup
e. How to make the boiled soup

4. What is the type of the text ?
a. Narrative text
b. Procedure text
c. descriptive text
d. recount text
e. news item text

5. How long do we cook it gently ?
a. Four hour
b. Five hour
c. Two hour
d. Eight hour
e. One horu
Spoof text 

Spoof Text-Definition and Social Function of Spoof
Spoof is a text which tells factual story, happened in the past time with unpredictable and funny ending. Its social function is to entertain and share the story.
Generic Structure of Spoof

1. Orientation
2. Events
3. Twist

Language Feature of Spoof
1. Focusing on people, animals or certain things
2. Using action verb; ate, ran, etc
3. Using adverb of time and place
4. Told in chronological order.


                                   Penguin in the Park
Once a man was walking in a park when he across a penguin. He took it to a policeman and said; "What should I do?" The policeman replied; "Take it to the zoo!".

The next day, the policeman saw the man in the same park. The man was still carrying the penguin. The policeman was rather surprised and walked up to the man and asked; "Why are you still carrying the penguin? Didn't you take it to the zoo?" The man replied; "I certainly did. And it was a great idea because the penguin really enjoyed it. So, today I am taking it to the movie".

Fluffy Bunny Rabbit

After a long day at the office, Chris came home one day and found his dog with the neighbour’s pet rabbit in his mouth. The rabbit was obviously dead. Chris panicked!

“If my neighbours find out my dog killed their bunny, they’ll hate me forever,” he thought.

So he took the dirty, chewed up rabbit into the house, gave it a bath and blow-dried its fur.

Chris knew his neighbours kept their backdoor open during the summer, so he sneaked inside and put the bunny back into the cage, hoping his neighbours would think it died of natural causes.

A couple of days later Chris and his neighbour saw each other outside.

“Did you hear that Fluffy die?” the neighbour asked.

“Oh. Uhmm... Sorry to hear that. What happened?” Chris mumbled.The neighbor replied, “We just found him dead in his cage one day. But the strange thing is that the day after we buried him, we went out to dinner and someone must have dug him up, gave him a bath and put him back into the cage!”

Choose one correct answer based on the text.
1. What does the story tell us?
a. A rabbit and a dog
b. A boy who petted a rabbit
c. Neighbourhood in America
d. A boy who tried to maintain neighbourhood.
e. A boy who was angry with his neighbours because their dog killed his rabbit.

2. What was his dog doing when Chris found it?
a. The dog was barking at a thief.
b. The dog was digging the neighbour’s field.
c. The dog was eating the rabbit.
d. The dog was killing the rabbit.
e. The dog was carrying a dead rabbit in its mouth.

3. What did Chris think of his neighbour’s rabbit?
a. It was alive.
b. It was killed by his dog.
c. It was funny.
d. It was stinky because it was already dead.
e. He was upset because his neighbor did not bury it.

4. How did Chris cover up the death of the rabbit?
a. By cleaning it and then putting it in his neighbour’s house.
b. By burying it in the backyard.
c. By throwing it into his neighbour’s rubbish bin.
d. By bathing it and then burying it.
e. By replacing it with his own rabbit.

5. How did Chris get into his neighbour’s house?
a. Breaking the side window of the house.
b. Breaking the front door of the house.
c. Sneaking through the backdoor.
d. Using the key hidden below the doormat.
e. Passing the front gate of the house.

Analytical Exposition

An analytical exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to persuade the listeners or readers that something is the case. To make the persuasion stronger, the speaker or writer gives some arguments as the fundamental reasons why something is the case. This type of text can be found in scientific books, journals, magazines, newspaper articles, academic speech or lectures, research report etc. Analytical expositions are popular among science, academic community and educated people. The generic structure of analytical exposition usually has three components: (1) Thesis, (2) Arguments and (3) Reiteration or conclusion.

A.Generic Structure of Analytical Exposition
1. Thesis : Introduces the topic and shows speaker or writer’s position;
    Outlines of the arguments are presented.
2. Arguments
: It consists about Point and Elaboration Point, states the main argument
    Elaboration, develops and supports each point of argument
3. Conclusion
: Reiteration (restatement), restates speaker or writer’s position
B. Generic Features of Analytical Exposition
  1. An analytical exposition focuses on generic human and non human participants.
  2. It uses mental processes. It is used to state what the writer or speaker thinks or feels about something. For example: realize, feel etc.
  3. It uses emotive and evaluative words
  4. It often needs material processes. It is used to state what happens, e.g. ….has polluted… etc.
  5. It usually uses Simple Present Tense and Present Perfect Tense.
  6. Enumeration is sometimes necessary to show the list of given arguments: Firstly, secondly …, Finally, etc.

Now look the sample of analytical exposition below!
Corruption and Indonesian Culture

Corruption has happened for many years and today it becomes a bad culture in Indonesia for three reasons

Argument 1:

Most adult Indonesian or foreigners have known and admitted that corruptions happen in many places. The daily newspapers, news programs on TV and radio have reported corruptions are done everywhere, almost in all departments or public services of this country. Corruptions happen in health, education departments and banks. When we manage to get some documents in public service offices, we usually need much money to pay. Manipulations happen everywhere

Argument 2:
The actions to eliminate corruption are weak. The ever stronger culture seems not to come to an end when the responsible institutions who have to reinforce the justice today commit corruption. This is the worst. Corruptions happen in police department, courts where judges, public prosecutors, lawyers make deals to do corruption. All of us also heard in the end of 2004, Probosutejo reported that he had bribed the Supreme Court, or called Mahkamah Agung which becomes the highest level where the justice can be obtained. Perhaps you have to try to come to the local courts and see what happen there. You will see practices of bribery and other kinds of corruption. Therefore, we can say that corruptions becomes our culture. Do you like it?

Argument 3:

The citizens have no goodwill to fight against the corruption. They create the situations in which people have opportunities to do corruptions. The citizens like to break the rules because they are not disciplined. For example, in the street when they drive a car or ride motorcycle, they do not have the driving license or necessary documents. Then, they are caught by the local policemen. To avoid more difficulties, they like to bribe the officer. The officer let them go then. In other words, the citizens and officers are the same, doing corruption together. If only the people were critical, disciplined, and obey the rules, and willing to report any wrong behaviors, this country will not be number one corrupting country in the world.
Reiteration/ conclusion:

Conclusion Based on the reasons, we can conclude that corruption is becoming a bad culture in Indonesia if it is not ended soon by all of us. It seems that there must be more severe penalty for the Corruptors. Do we still care about the future of this country?
Written by Cahyono

The Importance of Rainforests

      Rainforests are one of the most camplicated environments on Earth. They  are recognized worldwide as containing the rechest source of plants and animals and are believed to countain nearly three- querters of all the varieties of live on Earth. This is remarkable because rainforestc cover only about six per cent of the Earth’s land surface.
      Rainforest are the oldest major ecosystem, having survived climate changes for more than one million years. They provide habitats for more species of plants, animals, insects and birds than any other environment found on our planet. Scientists estimate that between 60 and 90 per cent of all species of life has caused a significant decline in the number of plant  and animal species on Earts.
     Rainforests influence both our local and global climates. For example, between 50 and 80 per cent of the moisture in the air above rainforests comes from the rainforest’s trees. If large of these lush rainforests are cleared, the average rainfall in the area will drop.
Eventually, the area’s climate will get hotter and drier. This process could convers rainfall ub their leaves and mosses. By doing this, they are able to slow down water run-off by gradually releasing the water over time into streams and rivers. This helps to control soil erosion and flooding.
     Rainforests are vital to Earth in helping to recycle carbon and oxygen. Carbon dioxide
(C02) is the gas put into the air globally by humans, mainly by the burning of fossil fueis
(for example in cars and factories). Rainforests are able to remove carbon dioxide from the air and return oxygen in its place. This is why our global rainforests are often called
The Earth’lungs’. Rainforests are major producers of the Earth’s oxygen. In fact, scientists believe that nearly 50 per cent of the Earth’s oxygen is produced by rainforest in the Amazon region alone.
     Nearly 40 per cent of the world’s carbon is contained in the trees of the rainforests. As rainforests are cut down and burned, carbon dioxide is released into the Earth’s atmosphere. Eventually, as this gas buillds up the atmosphere, leading to what scientosts call the enchanced effect. To sum up, the role of the rainforest is essential for human life.
It creates equilibrium in our environment and its resources are significant for human beings survival.

1. The text above is a ….text
    a. Narrative
    b. Analytical exposition
    c. recount
    d. descriptive
    e. producedur

2. The writer’s alm to write this is to….
    a. argue about the importance of rainforest
    b. expose analytically on the importance of rainforest
    c. inform us on the importance of rainforest
    d. Compare different rainforest in the world
    e. persuade the reader

3. If  large areas of these lush rainforests are cleared, the average rainfall in the area will   
drop (paragraph 3).
   The word these refers to…..
   a. raiforest’s tress
   b. climates
   c. rainforests
   d. moistures
   e. desert

4. The main idea of paragraph 1 is….
   a. rainforests cover about six per cent of the Earth’s land surface
   b. nearly three-quarters of all the varieties of life on Earth live in rainforest
   c. rainforest is a complex  environment where living and non living things live
   d. none of the options are correct
   e. rainforest is the important natural sources

5. The climate condition is affected by the existence of rainforest. In which paragraph
    Can you find this idea?
    a. Paragraph 1
    b. paragraph 2
    c. paragraph 3
    d. paragraph 4
    e. paragraph 5

Hortatory Exposition
  • To persuade the reader or listener that something should or should not be the case
  • The reader or listener is persuaded to agree with the writer’s or speaker’s point of view/thesis
  • Examples: letters to the editor, newspaper editorials, political speeches
Generic Structure of Hortatory Exposition
• Thesis
- announcement of issue concern
- reasons why there is concern leading to recommendation
- statement of what ought or ought not to happen

Language Feature of Hortatory Exposition

Ø Focusing on the writer
Ø Using abstract noun; policy, advantage, etc
Ø Using action verb
Ø Using thinking verb
Ø Using modal adverb; certainly, surely, etc
Ø Using temporal connective; firstly, secondly, etc
Ø Using evaluative words; important, valuable, trustworthy, etc
Ø Using passive voice
Ø Using simple present tense


Title : Teenagers should be protected from western culture
Thesis  statement : Indonesia is becoming a world tourist destination
Arguments : 1. First, foreigners indirectly bring their habitual activities to Indonesia and
                         At the some time  our people whether you like it or not see it
                         ( smoking, using, sexy dress, and kissing in puclic space )

Arguments : 2. There is also reason which I considered imprtant too. The government
                         Never tries to create regulations that could minimite the impact of being a
                         World  tourist destination.
                          For example : male and female foreigners are free to stay in any hotels
                          Eventhough they are married yet the worst thing is the local aut horities
                          Seems to do nothing to hand this matter.

Recommandations : for those reasons, I think our government should pay more attention
                                 To this issue, in my opinion at least the government should do such
                                 Thing as.
                      1. The government should include culture as a pact of school subjact
                      2. Culture centess should be built in every edge of this country.

Social Function
To present (at least) two points of view about an issue.

Generic Structure
1. Issue:
2. Arguments for against or statement of differing points of view:
3. Conclusion or recommendation

Significant Lexicogrammatical Features

1. Focus on generic human and generic non-human Participants
2. Use of:
                Material Processes, e.g. has produced, have developed, to feed
                Relational Processes, e.g., is, could have, cause are
                Mental Processes, e.g., feel.
3. Use of Comparative, contrastive and Consequential conjunctions
4. Reasoning expressed as verbs and nouns (abstraction).

Question : 

Commercial breaks during television shows generally generate one of two reactions: viewers will reach for the remote and switch channels, or they will sit through the ads.
In recent survey by Marketing Research Indonesia (MRI), some 47 percent of respondents switched channels during commercial breaks, while 37 percent they sat through the ads.
In the survey of 711 people in Jakarta, Bandung, Semarang, Surabaya, Medan and Makassar; 83 percent of respondents suggested that the government strictly regulate the content of TV ads.
Despite all the criticism, most respondents agreed on the importance of TV ads to support broadcast programs. Some 80 percent saw the necessity of ads for the survival of TV stations.
Besides the advertisers and the advertising industry, television stations should also take part in filtering quality ads to show audiences. TV stations should take a stand in rejecting advertisements considered to be of low quality.

1. What is the type of the above text?
a.       exposition             
d.   description
b.      discussion             
e.   report
c.      explanation

2.    What does the writer want from the text?
a.       to describe commercial TV ads specifically
b.       to explain how TV ads are broadcasted in TV
c.        to present at least two points of view about TV ads
d.       to describe commercial TV ads generally
e.       to persuade the readers to advertise their product through TV ads
3.    Why are TV ads indispensable for TV? Because ….
a.       they are main income of TV
b.       they attract the audiences to watch TV
c.        they make the audiences switch the channels
d.       they give significant lesson to the audiences
e.       they determine the program availability

4.    Which is TRUE according to the text?
a.       The presence of ads has no effect on TV stations.
b.       The TV stations have no power to reject the low quality ads.
c.        More people agree with the importance of TV ads.
d.       The viewers give different reactions to the TV ads.
e.       TV broadcast needs no TV ads to run its programs.

5…. television stations should also take part in filtering quality ads to show audiences.
The underlined words have synonymous meaning with ….
a.       separate                       
d.   assemble
b.       resemble                      
e.    create
c.       participate


Purpose: to critique or evaluate an art work or event for a public audience
dominant Generic Structure:
1. Orientation
2. Evaluation
3. Interpretative Recount
4. Evaluation
5. Evaluative Summation

Dominant Language features:
1. Focus on specific participants
2. Using adjectives
3. Using long and complex clauses
4. Using metaphor

2012 Film Review
2012 is Roland Emmerich's film which uses the Mayan calendar and other end-of-days prophecies for their doomsday scenario. It imagines the world coming to an end in 2012.

2012 film brings off a series of wonders. The movie hits its peak early on. It starts when Cusack drives a limo through the streets of Los Angeles as freeways and skyscrapers crumble all around him from the shock of a 10.5 earthquake. The preposterous flying sequence is equally thrilling. The climax occurs aboard the giant ark, when an equipment malfunction almost threatens the entire mission.

Unfortunately, the crucial sequence is not filmed or edited with the requisite clarity. In 2012 film, Emmerich leaves us befuddled as to exactly what is happening to whom. However, Emmerich' 2012 deserves credit for offbeat casting. Cusack supplies his trademark hangdog charm. McCarthy has perhaps his best role ever as Peet's cocky. Danny Glover lends dignity to the role of the tormented president. Chiwetel Ejiofor, as the chief scientist, brings a moving sense of anguish to a stock role. Platt has fun playing the villain of the piece, and Woody Harrelson also chews the scenery as a bug-eyed radio prophet trying to warn his listeners about Armageddon.

All in one, 2012's cinematography, production design and visual effects are awards-worthy. Music also propels the movie. It presents American Idol runner-up, Adam Lambert, who provides a rousing anthem over the end credits.

Purpose: to share with others an account of an unusual or amusing incident

Generic Structure:
1. Abstract
2. Orientation
3. Crisis
4. Reaction
5. Coda.

Dominant Language Features:
1. Using exclamations, rhetorical question or intensifiers
2. Using material process
3. Using temporal conjunctions

Contoh Anecdote:
Blessing Behind Tragedy
There was a black family in Scotland years ago. They were Clark family with nine children. They had a dream to go to America. The family worked and saved. They were making plan to travel with their children to America. It had taken several years but finally they had saved enough money. They had gotten passport. They had booked seats for the whole family member in a new liner to America.
The entire family was full of anticipation and excitement with their new life in America. However few days before their departure, the youngest son was bitten by a dog. The doctor sewed up the boy. Because of the possibility of getting rabies, there were being quarantined for long days. They were in quarantine when the departure time came. The family dreams were dashed. They could not make the trip to America as they had planned.
The father was full of disappointed and anger. He stomped the dock to watch the ship leaved without him and his family. He shed tears of disappointment. He cursed both his son and God for the misfortune.
Five days latter, the tragic news spread throughout Scotland. The ship, the mighty Titanic, had shank. It took hundreds of passenger and crew with it. Titanic which had been called the unsinkable ship had sunk. It was unbelievable but it was.
The Clak family should have been on that ship, but because of the bitten son by a dog, they were left behind. When the father heard the news, he hugged the son and thanked him for saving the family. He thanked God for saving their lives. It was a blessing behind a tragedy. (Adapted from Look Ahead 2)
: Everybody has a dream. You have and so do I. When the dream will come true, there is something wrong last minute before it. What will we feel? What will we do?
Orientation: the Clak family lived in Scotland. They had dream to travel to America. They prepared well for their plan
Crisis: few days before they went to America, his youngest son was bitten by a dog. It made they were being quarantined. They had to forget their plan.
Incident: the family was full of disappointment and anger. The father was angry with his son and God. The family failed to travel to America and the father could not accept it.
Coda: the father thank to his son when he hear the ship sank. He thank to God because of saving the family from sinking. He thought leaving behind the ship was not a tragedy but a blessing.


Purpose: to inform readers about events of the day which are considered newsworthy or important
Dominant Generic Structure:
1. Newsworthy event(s)
2. Background event(s)
3. Sources

Dominant Language Features:
1. Short, telegraphic information about story captured in headline
2. Using action verbs
3. Using saying verbs

Examples and structures of the text:

Town Contaminated

Newsworthy events:
Moscow – A Russian journalist has uncovered evidence of another Soviet nuclear catastrophe, which killed 10 sailors and contaminated an entire town.

Background Events:
Yelena Vazrshavskya is the first journalist to speak to people who witnessed the explosion of a nuclear submarine at the naval base of shkotovo – 22 near Vladivostock.
The accident, which occurred 13 months before the Chernobyl disaster, spread radioactive fall-out over the base and nearby town, but was covered up by officials of the Soviet Union. Residents were told the explosion in the reactor of the Victor-class submarine during a refit had been a ‘thermal’ and not a nuclear explosion. And those involved in the clean up operation to remove more than 600 tones of contaminated material were sworn to secrecy.


Sources A board of investigators was later to describe it as the worst accident in the history of the Soviet Navy.

Explanation Text

Social Function: To explain the processes involved in the formation or working of natural or sociocultural phenomena.

Generic Structure
A general statement to position the reader
A sequenced explanation of why or how something occurs.
Significant Lexicogrammatical Features
Focus on generic, non-human Participants
Use mainly of Material Processes and Relational Processes
Use mainly of Temporal and causal Circumstances and Conjunctions

The effects of acid soil
Soils with a pH of less than 7.0 are acid. The lower the pH, the more acid the soil. When soil pH falls below 5.5, plant growth is affected. Crop yields decrease, reducing productivity
Soils provide water and nutrients for plant growth and development. Essential plant nutrients include phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and sulfur. Plants require other elements such as molybdenum, in smaller quantities. Some elements eg aluminium and manganese, are toxic to plants.
Nutrients become available to plants when they are dissolved in water. Plants are able to take up phosphate, nitrate, potassium and sulfate ions in solution.
The solubility of nitients changes with pH. In acid soils (low pH), molybdenum becomes less soluble and aluminium becomes more soluble. Therefore, plant growth may be affected by either a deficiency of molybdenum or too much aluminium.
Both crop and pasture plants are affected by acid soils. there may be a range of symptoms. Crops and pastures may be poorly established resulting in patchy and uneven growth. Plant leaves may go yellow and die at the tips. The root system of the plant may be stunted. Crops may yield less.
Plants vary in their sensitivity to low pH. Canola and lucerne are very sensitive to acid soils so do not grow well. Lupins and triticale are tolerant to soils of low pH so they still perform well.
Land can become unproductive if acid soil is left untreated. Incorporating lime into the soil raises the pH. Therefore, liming soil can reverse the effects of acid soil on plants and return a paddock to productivity.
What Causes Weather?

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